New Conference on Yoga as Lifestyle Medicine to Be Featured at the Smithsonian

In 2014,  a large symposium on Medical Yoga was hosted at the Smithsonian in conjunction with the large Smithsonian exhibit on Yoga: The Art and Science of Transformation. The symposium featured speeches and presentations by leading yoga researchers like Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr.

Revolved Half Moon Pose: 3 Steps to Lift and Stabilize the Pelvis

You can learn a great deal about biomechanics by examining how the body responds to pathological conditions. In this post, I examine what happens with the pelvis when the hip abductors are not functioning properly. Then I illustrate how to

Teaching Yoga to Beginners: Skillful Action in Cobra Pose and Upward Facing Dog

Backbends are an integral part of any yoga asana practice and are especially prevalent in a Vinyasa Flow practice. Upward Facing Dog Pose (Urdva Mukha Svanasana) is a core pose in Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A).  Portions of Surya Namaskar A, including

The Trick to Preventing Wrist Pain: Ways to Reduce Repetitive Stress

Whenever a student of mine complains of wrist pain, the first question I ask is: “Do you type a lot?” If the answer is yes, I ask them to show me how they do it. More often than not their

Aqua Yoga: For an Accessible Yoga Practice, Just Add Water

The mechanics of maintaining good posture and moving energy in our aging bodies can prove taxing at times. With our senior population expanding, maybe it’s time to look at alternative ways or places to practice yoga. Water Yoga for Healthy

Can Yoga Help Keep Your Brain Young? An Interview with Dr. Baxter Bell

Baxter Bell M.D. is a full-time yoga therapist, yoga therapy teacher and frequent presenter at conferences and workshops. He is a board member of the International Association of Yoga Therapy, (IAYT), and the co-founder and writer for the popular “Yoga

Digestive Trouble? 7 Ways Yoga Can Help

Before we get into how yoga helps your digestive system, let’s review the general factors that impact our digestive health:  1.     Diet 2.     Sleep and rest 3.    Exercise and general activity levels 4.     Stress 5.     Chronic diseases  6.    Environmental exposure,

Seven Ways to Fix a Slow Metabolism

“No matter what I do, I can’t seem to lose weight,” writes this week’s house call, who is also an Eat Fat, Get Thin challenge participant. “I think I’m cursed with a slow metabolism.” I hear this often among patients, and the

8 Tips for a Healthy Brain

You are only as young as you feel. But, if you are over age 30 and often forget where you put your car keys, your brain is beginning to show signs of aging. An occasional forgetful moment isn’t the same

6 Ayurveda Tools to Reduce Stress, Depression and Anxiety

In spite of the many advances in the field of mental health, it is estimated that about 1/3 of our population is suffering from some form of diagnosable mental illness at any given time.  The cost of mental health care

Yoga for Pain Relief: Yoga Offers Effective Relief for Chronic Pain

What does the science say about yoga for pain relief? Chronic pain is one of the most common afflictions impacting American adults, with 126 million of us experiencing persistent, recurring, often severe, and debilitating pain every year.  Standard pain care,

4 Ways Yoga Helps Alzheimer's Patients

Yoga offers a personal journey of growth and self-discovery for each practitioner. It also offers ways to join in community with others, all together as part of the universe’s prana (life-force). Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia significantly challenge both self-awareness

Yoga for Beginners: 3 Great Reasons NOT to Teach Downward-Facing Dog Pose

When I first started practicing yoga almost 20 years ago, Downward-Facing Dog was my go-to yoga pose. It made my whole 25-year-old body feel good. From the beginning, even when I couldn’t get my heels to the ground or release

The Top Reason for Wrist Pain (and 5 Other Common Causes)

One of my former yoga students works for Intel. Some time ago he developed sharp wrist pain that made it very difficult for him to type and use a computer mouse. As soon as his company got a wind of
