6 Yoga Poses for Dead Butt Syndrome
The tech age has brought with it several well-known maladies, including Text Neck and Text Claw. But I found out only recently about yet another physical byproduct of too much desk sitting with a rather dramatic name: Dead Butt Syndrome.
Space Element: Vibrating Life
Star Trek fans (myself included) consider space to be the final frontier. But is it? According to yoga philosophy, the space element is a manifestation of a mysterious substance called ether. Science defines space as a boundless substance in which
Is Magnesium Deficiency Contributing to Your Muscle Tension, Pain, or Fatigue?
Sometimes, despite all your efforts to release tension and relieve pain with pandiculation, you may get to a point where you feel like something else is going on. There may be some other factor besides learned muscular patterns that’s causing