Yoga Pose Primer: Calm and Ground with Forward Folds

If we mindfully approach forward folds in yoga, we can create experiences of these asanas as calming, grounding, and enjoyable. It can allow us to fold further and deeper. That’s not to do so for the sake of “touching our

Nourish Yourself - 5 Tips for Replenishing Your Energy

In the span of two weeks the pile of unopened mail in my kitchen has grown taller and more unruly. Every so often I try to neaten its edges but I have done nothing to reduce its size. It’s not that

Living With Chronic Pain: Pain Cure or Pain Management?

I think the subject of this post is the singularly most important yet neglected topic in chronic pain research today. When is it time to say, “All this looking at pain cure, or reducing your pain isn’t working, it’s time

Yoga Home Practice: The Ultimate in Self-Care

As a full-time employee, full-time single mom, writer and yoga teacher, my time is very limited. Since free time is pretty scarce, I’m too often unable to make time for my yoga home practice. Yet my whole life suffers when

Doug Keller: How to Protect Your Hips and Knees in Warrior 1 – Finding Your Unique Foot Alignment

Warrior I Pose (Virabhadrasana I) is almost ubiquitous in yoga classes today, and for good reason. When executed with proper alignment, this popular yoga pose is the perfect balance between silence and dynamism. The legs are solid and grounded into

Cool Quinoa Tabbouleh

Gluten free, colorful, light, yet satisfying tabbouleh for warm summer evenings. Enjoy this garden inspired recipe from Kale & Chocolate's Elise Museles. This is a modern take on an old favorite. Traditionally, tabbouleh is made with bulghur wheat, but this version has

Yoga for Headaches: 3 Ways to Use the Foam Roller to Release Tension

Tension, or stress, headaches are by far the most common types of headaches—affecting 30 to 80 percent of adults in the U.S. while three percent (the majority of them women) suffer from chronic daily tension headaches. Although there are a

Yoga for the Wrists: How to Protect Your Wrists in Yoga Practice

One of the most common complaints for beginning yoga students is that their wrists hurt when doing yoga. And no wonder: The wrist is one of the most delicate joints in the body. I remind my yoga students at least once

How to Train Your Balance: 4 Awesome Ways to Build Strength and Balance through Regular Yoga Practice

Watching your kid learn how to walk is a pretty fascinating experience. When you see him wobble and plop down with almost every step it’s hard to believe that one day he will be running, riding a bike, playing soccer,

3 Yoga Practices To Help Calm Career Anxieties

When it comes to the nature of one’s career and its future trajectory, there are so many possibilities nowadays. With some working entirely through the “app” economy (e.g., through Uber, Thumbtack, et cetera), and others paying the bills through more

How Your Downward Dog Promotes Graceful Aging

As a dog lover, I’m not alone in believing these creatures have important knowledge to pass along to us humans. With this in mind, I want to discuss how aging affects your body and bring to your attention some recent

The Power of Simple: Why I Teach Old-School Yoga

My History of Teaching Yoga I began practicing yoga in 1982 at a modest studio behind the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas. The teacher was June Bains, a trim, 60-something woman whose studio space had pink, plush carpet and no

Yoga and Meditation Boost Brain Function In Aging Adults Study Shows

Most of us experience some signs of decreased mental function as we age. A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease shows that weekly yoga and daily meditation practice may boost memory and reduce depression. Although some loss in

Zucchini Pasta with Pesto and Cherry Tomatoes

The heat is on! This colorful and satisfying recipe from Elise Museles keeps it light-just right for hot summer evenings. Zucchini “pasta” is a staple in our house. There are multiple ways to prepare it so that you won’t ever become tired
