Put Your Yoga into Practice: 3 Ways to Create a Brighter Future in 2021

This year has been one for the history books. It’s been a year of extreme sadness, loss, and despair. Across the globe, millions have fallen sick, and more than a million have been lost. Lives have been uprooted from familial

Prenatal Yoga: Not a One-Size-Fits-All Practice

Pregnancy doesn’t have to be a time for growing aches and pains. Instead, it can be a time of self-growth and discovery of our bodies’ innate capabilities. As many pregnant people can confirm, prenatal yoga can help with this process.

The Yoga of Generosity

When I was a child, my parents always went all out at Christmas. Both grew up in the lean years of the Great Depression, so they relished being able to be generous with my sisters and me. In addition to

Optimize Your Holidays: Simplify, Create, Take Care of Yourself, Connect and Practice Yoga

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention” – Oscar Wilde Over the years, I’ve steadily simplified my activities and responsibilities throughout the Christmas season and truly benefited from slowing down and focusing this time on

Love your Back With This Spine-Focused Yin Yoga Sequence

In our typical day-to-day lives, our spines do a lot, and usually, we aren’t even aware of the amount of stress that we put on these tissues. The spine is an ingeniously designed shock-absorbing structure and a column of strength

Yogic Breathing: Rethinking Carbon Dioxide

Two years ago, my family and I went to the beautiful San Juan Islands. The San Juan Islands are an archipelago of about 170 islands in the Pacific Northwest between the state of Washington and Vancouver Island, British Columbia. A

Seven Strategies to Loosen Tight Hips

As far as I know, it’s entirely accidental that this collection of strategies for gaining a greater range of movement in your hips turns out to be seven in number. I didn’t plan to use the most potent magical number

Chard and White Bean Ragout

Baby, it’s cold outside. What kind of food can warm you up in a hurry? Hmmm … something like a hearty pasta or a chicken curry? Or maybe a lamb stew? It’s always fun to improvise, so I decided to

The Mind-Body Problem: How Yoga Views the Body -Then and Now

Just recently I was telling someone that I consider the mind and the body to be one and the same. After all, what we call our body is what makes it possible for our minds to interact with the world.

Not Just for Beginners: A Yoga Sequence with Blocks

Those first few yoga classes—there’s physical discomfort, maybe even pain, but also a curiosity or just some mysterious force that keeps a beginning student coming back for more. Before long, they are coming to the studio and soaking up all

Teaching Yoga: How to Identify Your Core Student Base

How’s your transition to teaching yoga online going? Are you finding that you have enough of a student pool to keep you busy, or do you need to find more? Are you able to connect to your potential students and

Yoga of Presence: Your Intelligent Edge

Before I began teaching yoga, I assisted in classes for about four years. My job was to walk around the room and make adjustments while the teachers taught and demonstrated poses. There were quite a few athletic types in the

Stop the Stress Epidemic with Sound Sleep and Restorative Yoga

Sometimes it can feel like stress is all around us. We are trying to meet more demands than ever, and our self-care routine gets pushed by the wayside. That often means bad food choices and poor sleep habits, which lead

Activate the Joints with Yogic Sukshma Vyayama

In yoga, it is said that most pranic blockages start in our joints. Ayurveda says that ama, or the toxic and undigested waste material tends to settle in the empty spaces of our body, the joints. That is why we

Yoga Research: Yoga, Sleep, and the Autonomic Nervous System

What role does the autonomic nervous system (ANS) play in sleep? And how does yoga fit into the picture? This article explores research on the potential for yoga to aid in sleep through improving autonomic nervous system functioning. Your Body
