Yoga for every body
"The most enduring relationship of your life is the one that you have with your body." Joanne Elphinston

Yoga is not one-size-fits-all. Explore 1000+ Yoga 2.0 pose variations to find out what works for YOUR body. Discover new ways to reap the many benefits of yoga.
Choose among 1000s of pose modifications
Explore Yoga 2.0
Explore new variations of poses to connect more deeply with each asana and find greater ease and comfort in each pose.
Empower Change
You are unique, your body is unique. Empower transformation by practicing in a way that works for YOUR body.
Embrace Peace
Experience the soothing calm of body and mind that is the hallmark of yoga asanas, when practiced with ease and mindfulness.
Try Us Free! Get a Sample Pose Report to Experience the Full Benefits of the YogaU Pose Library.
In-depth pose analysis and teaching tips
Master Alignment
What are the most common alignment issues for each yoga pose? Learn how to observe and address common alignment issues to stay safe in your yoga practice.
Master Sequencing
How do you best prepare your body for each yoga pose? Learn anatomy-based sequencing steps that systematically warm up your body and sequentially step up the challenges in each yoga pose.
Master Yoga Teaching
Becoming a sought-after yoga teacher doesn't just happen. Develop a master teacher repertoire of teaching skills and yoga pose variations to meet the needs of students of varying abilities and experience.
Try Us Free! Get a Sample Pose Report to Experience the Full Benefits of the YogaU Pose Library.
Check out our premium content
The Yoga 2.0 Pose Library helps you fit yoga poses to your individual body. It provides tools for you to customize yoga poses to your body's needs in order to gain the benefits of each yoga pose.
When working your way through the Yoga 2.0 Pose Library, pay particular attention to the Yoga 2.0 Poses section as well as the Preparatory Poses under the Teaching Tips tab. This is where you will find some of the juiciest content in the Yoga 2.0 Pose Library!
When you register for a basic account, you get access to basic pose information about each yoga pose. You can also view three Pose Library blog articles or three yoga pose video tutorials each month.
If you choose to register for a premium account, you will have access to our library of 1000s of unique Yoga 2.0 pose modifications, video tutorials for each yoga pose, preparatory yoga poses and common misalignments for every yoga pose, precautions, and more!
If you choose to subscribe to our premium Plus membership, you will also get access to our Yoga Sequence Builder, which allows you to create a yoga practice sequence with any and all of the yoga poses featured throughout the Yoga 2.0 Pose Library!
The idea behind Yoga 2.0 is that yoga poses should be individualized for every person.
Yoga 2.0 Poses give you a foundation to begin designing your own customized yoga practice that suits your body's needs.
Choosing the right Yoga 2.0 Pose begins with your relationship with your body and making healthy choices that respect your personal boundaries.
The Yoga 2.0 Pose Library is for every body!
Whether you are a beginner or already far along on your yoga journey, the Yoga 2.0 Pose Library has something for everyone.
Are you looking for creative, fun ways to modify yoga poses? Check out our collection of Yoga 2.0 Poses, which features 1000s of Yoga Pose Modifications.
Looking to expand your practice or teaching? The Teaching Tips and Deepen the Pose sections provide fun ways to challenge your yoga practice as well as practical tips for learning and teaching new yoga poses.
Our Yoga 2.0 Pose Library is an ever-expanding library.
We will be adding new yoga poses over time - keep checking back for our latest yoga poses!
Discover Yoga 2.0
Learn how to make yoga poses fit YOUR body, not the other way around.

What's your yoga today?
Explore 1000+ pose variations to find the yoga that works for YOUR body!