Stabilizing the Sacroiliac Joint: The Piriformis Muscle in Yoga

If a picture’s worth a thousand words, then what is an animated video worth? In this yoga blog post, we look beneath the skin to see what happens with the piriformis muscle in Reverse Pigeon Pose. We’ll provide an overview

The Pancha Maya Kosha Model: Yoga Therapy and the Five Koshas

Yoga offers such a broad range of healing benefits, because it works holistically on the level of our whole being, not just the physical body. According to yoga philosophy, we are not just our physical body or mind, we are

The Key to Healthy Knees: How to Strengthen (and Not Hurt) Your Knees in Yoga

Knee pain is quite common in the general population. Practicing yoga can either alleviate knee discomfort, or it can sometimes aggravate it. It’s important that yoga teachers understand how to work with students’ knees in a way that either helps

Refining Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): New Alignment Tips for an Old Standby

Few members of the animal kingdom elicit more passionate reactions than snakes. Mostly known for their stealthy, slithery sinews and the venomous bites of some species, snakes have primarily gotten a bad rap over the centuries. The truth is that

The Vagus Nerve and Total Hip Replacement: How to Destress and Heal

Why would I mention the vagus nerve and total hip replacement in the same sentence? Because the vagus nerve is key to helping us heal and to deal with pain and stress. What is the Vagus Nerve? The vagus nerve

Ahhhh: 5 Ways to Support Savasana

Ah, Savasana. The last and most understated pose of yoga practice. Those magical five minutes (10 if you’re lucky) of complete relaxation when everything you just did on your mat—all of those incremental physical, physiological, emotional, and energetic changes that

Strengthen Your Legs and Improve Your Balance with These 2 Warrior III Pose Modifications

Adapting Your Yoga Practice Over Time  The way we practice yoga changes with time. It's wise to understand this. Otherwise, we might get caught up thinking it should be the same as when we first began, or at least the

5 Inspiring Stories of Self-Healing

We have an incredible capacity for self-healing beyond what science can currently explain. I am fascinated by stories of people who have found ways to cure themselves of incurable conditions. In this post, I’ll tell you about five of my

The Benefits of Abdominal Massage and Connection to Well-Being

It can make many people feel uncomfortable when I ask, “Would you like me to massage your abdomen?” All the fears and insecurities arise about the shape of our bellies and what people will think of us. For years, there

Yoga Anatomy: Engaging Your Glutes in Backbends

In this post, we take a look at the gluteus maximus in backbends and how to avoid splaying out your knees in yoga poses like Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose). I will share some cues for sequencing muscle engagement and

Yoga Pose Primer: Parsva Balasana (Bird Dog Pose)

Chances are Bird Dog Pose (Parsva Balasana) does not have a 2,000-year history in the yoga tradition. More likely, the concept of a bird dog— a symbol of one of their favorite pastimes—may have come from the British who colonized

Supine Half Lotus Pose (Supta Ardha Padmasana): A Lotus Pose for Everybody

In 2001, I co-taught a teacher training with Donna Farhi in Vancouver, BC. The 50 attendees were experienced yoga teachers and bodyworkers from all over the world. During the training, we questioned teaching methodologies that shoehorn students into a one-size-fits-all model. One

Yoga Pose Primer: Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)

Forward bends are my favorite yoga poses for containing energy. When I sequence a yoga practice or class, forward bends always precede Savasana. Folding your body inward naturally calms your nervous system and smooths the energy you’ve generated in the

How to Practice Yoga after Total Hip Replacement

Practicing yoga after total hip replacement introduces a new set of considerations. Your range of motion will be different immediately following your surgery. There will be movement restrictions post-surgery that will limit the kinds of poses you will be able

5 Principles to Become an Effective Yoga Teacher

1. Preparation   Ever wonder how an effective yoga teacher prepares and what they do before class? Preparation comes not by just practicing a particular posture that will be taught, although important. Instead, consider these two key elements within this
