Left Brain, Right Brain: Yoga’s Balancing Breath Practices

Did you know that you don’t breathe from both nostrils equally? Truth be told, nostril dominance switches every two to 2.5 hours without our interference. Sounds strange, but scientists have studied this phenomenon, which the yogis discovered hundreds of years

3 Myths About Knee Alignment in Yoga

You’ve probably heard lots of warnings about how to keep your knees safe in yoga: “Don’t let your knee roll in in Warrior II Pose.” “Don’t let your knees slide past your toes in Fierce Pose (Utkatasana).” “Hyperextending your knees

4 Great Pigeon Pose Variations

Which Pigeon Pose variation is for you? Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana) is one of those great yoga asanas that people either love or hate. There seems to be no middle ground. This is because, for many, it is

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) with a Yoga Strap Bowstring

Years ago, I heard Judith Hanson Lasater pose this question: “Who should practice backbends?” Her answer: “Anyone who’s growing older.” This, of course, means everyone. Most of us spend our days bent over one thing or another—desks, electronic devices, counters,

Empowered Aging: An Interview with Yoga Teacher Ellen Saltonstall

YogaUOnline: We are delighted today to be here with Ellen Saltonstall to discuss her latest book, Empowered Aging: Everyday Yoga Practices for Bone Health, Strength, and Balance. Welcome, Ellen. What inspired you to write about empowered aging? Ellen Saltonstall: Well,

4 Yoga Poses to Strengthen the 4 Muscles of the Rotator Cuff

The shoulder's rotator cuff is a group of four separate muscles that work together to create a continuous cuff or sleeve around the head of the humerus (the upper arm bone). This cuff of muscles juggles the humerus's position inside

Exploring the Link Between Sleep and Anxiety

As a clinical social worker with years of experience working with adolescents and families, I’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact that sleep loss can have on one’s mental well-being. The intricate relationship between sleep and emotional regulation is often overlooked,

7 Yoga Teaching Tips I Wish I’d Learned Sooner

Before we dive into 7 yoga teaching strategies that every new yoga teacher should know, let me share a story. This is the tale of how I disastrously failed as a new teacher and the yoga teaching skills I wish

Welcome Warmer Weather! An Outdoor Yoga Sequence

When is the best time to practice outdoor yoga? Spring—when flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and there is a feeling of new energy all around. We feel that energy in our bodies. We might notice a new bounce in

SI Joint Reset: Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose

Several years ago, as part of a teacher training course, I was co-teaching, and I demonstrated the problems with squaring your hips in wide-legged standing poses to the trainees. As it turned out, the demonstration was very effective—much to my

Extending Your Lifespan: 10 Recommendations For Longevity with David Sinclair

When I first read David Sinclair’s book Lifespan: Why We Age―and Why We Don't Have To, I was a yoga teacher in my mid-20s. At that time, aging felt like something so far on the horizon that the book had

Hyperextended Elbows: Here’s a Tip for Correcting Hyperextension

Aligning the bones accesses their inherent strength, so yoga poses ultimately require less muscular effort to maintain. For example, in a recent post, we gave a tip on using the big toes to correct the tendency for the pelvis to

A System of Biomechanical Regulation - Tom Myers on the Significance and Functions of Fascia

Fascia is the biological fabric that holds us together. You are about 70 trillion cells, all humming in relative harmony; fascia is the 3-D spider web of fibrous, gluey, and wet proteins that hold them all together in their proper

Closing Down the On-Ramp to Alzheimer's

Uncle Chuck was a gem. A big, warm-hearted, generous man, he’d been through a lot—including developing a nasty case of PTSD from the Vietnam War. He worked hard to overcome his trauma and became an even stronger, more compassionate person.

Create Mobility in the Upper Body With Puppy Pose Yoga 2.0

Puppy Pose, also known as Uttana Shishosana or sometimes called Anahatasana, is a great release for the latissimus dorsi, posterior deltoids, pectorals, triceps, abdominal muscles, and more.  It’s somewhat of a cross between Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
