Easy Does It with Ana Forrest

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Ana’s Easy Does It series invites you to reawaken your relationship with your body. This series is designed to re-energize, refresh, and empower.

Awakening Your Body

In this first practice of the Easy Does It series, Ana invites you to reawaken your relationship with your body by asking, what part of this can I do? Perfect for all levels, the practice begins slowly with pranayama and supine poses, and gently builds heat to prepare the body for standing poses. You will finish feeling refreshed, and re-energized in your mind body connection.

Reclaiming Your Hips

For those of us with sedentary jobs, the hips can be an easy place to go numb. In class two of her Easy Does It series, Ana empowers practitioners to reclaim their hips by gently stretching and strengthening to alleviate pain and stiffness in the hips.

Nourishing Your Heart

In the third class of her Easy Does It series, Ana guides practitioners through an exploration of the heart—our own personal drum beat. This practice explores gentle backbends to broaden and expand the front and side bodies for a heart that is open and nourished.

Building Vitality

Our breath is intimately tied to our vitality—the more it deepens, the more we can connect to our innate aliveness. This practice with Ana focuses on building vitality by first cultivating a smooth, deep breath, and then linking that breath to movement. A full spectrum flow will take you through core work, sun salutations, and standing poses, then finish with a long Savasana to leave you feeling revitalized.

This course qualifies for 2 CEs with Yoga Alliance.

Ana T. Forrest is an internationally recognized pioneer in yoga and emotional healing. She is the creator of Forrest Yoga—a unique fusion of traditional yoga, new sequences, Eastern wisdom, and Native American medicine.

$97/ Lifetime Access

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Barbara P.
