March 2020: Yoga for A Pain-Free Back with Tias Little, Gabriel Halpern, Cyndi Lee, Melina Meza and Rhoda Miriam
Yoga for Lower Back Pain with Gabriel Halpern
A practice designed to help those dealing with back pain find relief and healing. Learn how to relax and create traction for the spine in flexion, extension, rotation, and inversion poses. Sciatica, SI joint problems, scoliosis, and lumbar ache will be a few of topics covered.
How to Improve Back Health with Simple Backbends with Cyndi Lee
Improve your posture, strengthen your back, and increase your energy with this gentle beginner’s guide to backbends. Cyndi guides you through a practice designed to help correct the forward-rounding slouch we often get into from so many hours of sitting. By opening the front body and deepening the breath, you’ll also feel emotionally uplifted. Enjoy the benefits of backbends without feeling forced to “bend over backwards” for them!
A Yoga Practice for Back Care with Melina Meza
This practice with Melina Meza is perfect for yogis with back injuries who want to continue using asanas as part of their daily movement practice, or for those simply looking to give their back a little extra TLC. Melina has carefully selected a wide range of postures and transitions to minimize the risk of injury for those in the process of healing, and supplements them with fun modifications for practitioners at all levels.
Flexible Spine, Strong Legs with Rhoda Miriam
A gentle practice designed to help you slow down, pay attention to your breath, and to move mindfully while giving yourself permission to relax. This is a brief introduction to the full class and includes specifics of Table pose alignment and the use of props to support spinal movement, knees and wrists during the full class.
Forward Bending: Free the Back Body with Tias Little
Release the back body and find greater ease in this gentle class designed to lengthen the hamstrings, side-waist, and lower back. Utilizing many gentle forward bends, this class will help facilitate the parasympathetic response – the wonderful “rest and digest” functioning in the nervous system, leaving you feeling refreshed, rested, and ready for your day (or a good night of sleep!)