Sneak Peek! Develop Your Yoga Teaching Career – Learning to Teach Wellness and Therapeutic Yoga Courses

Take your yoga teaching career to a whole new level! Take a Sneak Peek at this 30-min. excerpt from session 1 of our 8-session Bonus Course that comes with Tom Myers’ course on Yoga, Fascia and the New Anatomy of the Body. This 8-session course gives you the knowledge and skill you need to teach and market wellness or therapeutic yoga courses in your local community.

Based on past experience, teaching the 8-session yoga wellness course you will learn to teach in this bonus course even once, with a total of 8-10 students, will enable you to earn back the cost of Tom Myers’ groundbreaking course!

 Available with Package 4 of Tom and Robin’s Course. 

Learn More about Tom Myers’ Course Here:

Yoga, Fascia and the New Anatomy of the Body
