All About the Core—Exploring the Need for Core Stability in Asana
Core stability is a key ingredient for a well-rounded asana practice and a healthy lower back. This vigorous practice will bring intelligence and tone to the muscles that support your torso and pelvis so that your limbs can move freely from an integrated center. The effects of this profound work will radiate beyond your asana practice into daily posture and living.
Wall Love Affair—The Secret to Deep Hip Opening and Core Stability
Working with the wall will take your hips and core integration to the next level. In this rigorous series of standing poses you’ll find a combination of strength and flexibility in your hips that will astonish you. You’ll feel the effects throughout your practice, but especially in arm balances and inversions. Prepare to be shocked!
Building Core Integrity & Opening the Front Body
Natarajasana combines several essential dynamics; it’s a dramatic back bend that also involves balance, as well as strength and flexibility in the standing leg. In this transformative practice, you’ll discover how to explore and integrate these various elements, building this beautiful pose from the ground up and then delighting in both the physical opening and the eka grata (one-pointed focus) that results.
Strong and Steady with Full Side-Plank (Vashistasana)
Vashistasana is a challenging, core-strengthening and balancing pose. It stabilizes the arms, belly, legs, and wrists, and in its full version, demands flexibility of the legs. In this tutorial, Natasha breaks this pose down into other, more familiar poses whose actions all come into play in Vashistasana, so that the final pose feels accessible.
One-Stop Core Stability Shop: Boat Pose
The one stop shopping of core stabilization! Embrace this powerful pose to strengthen not merely your abs, but your lower belly, back, and hip flexors. Natasha also includes a trick for taking some of the work off of the psoas and keeping the legs more neutral. Discover how transformative Boat Pose (Navasana) can be!