Anatomy of a Centered Body: Resolving Structural Imbalances in the Core Body – The Psoas with Donna Farhi


Everything that we do in our everyday lives is dependent on our posture. Our ability to lie down, sit, stand, and walk in comfort is directly related to the template of centered body posture.  Every Yoga posture or athletic activity is an expression of the clarity and refinement of this most basic relationship of our body structure to the ground, gravity, and space. As Yoga teachers, posture is where we begin and what we repeatedly return to, to help students resolve issues such as limitations in movement and spinal discomfort. Yet how many of us have deep, seemingly unchanging structural “snags” in our body that throw us off balance despite years of Yoga practice?

Drawn from decades of teaching experience and her recent collaboration to write Pathways to a Centered Body with coauthor Leila Stuart, this workshop will be an invaluable investment for Yoga students and for teachers of all movement disciplines who wish to offer effective and pain-free strategies for improving body alignment, movement function and healing back pain.

In this first of two courses in the Anatomy of the Centered Body series we focus on the psoas and its important role in structural integrity. You will learn how to both identify and correct deep structural imbalances in your body that may be preventing you, and your students, from being truly centered.

Lecture Session 

In the opening lecture session, Donna will unravel the complexities of the deepest core muscles of the body, the psoas, to reveal its function as an extraordinary unifying structure for the entire body. When these deep core muscles become unbalanced, the position of the pelvis and spine is thrown off-center.

Poor posture, back pain, and discomfort and restriction in movement can result. Working with a therapeutic protocol, you will learn extraordinarily effective techniques to soften, hydrate, and release and lengthen the psoas muscles. Using these techniques you can help your students address seemingly intransigent conditions such as hyperlordosis (accentuation of the lumbar curvature) and alleviate pain caused by sacroiliac and lower back compression.

Video Tutorial One: Softening and Hydrating the Psoas and Spinal Muscles

Learning to release the psoas and spinal muscles begins in Constructive Rest Position (CRP)– a very specific supine practice that can alleviate compression in the lumbar spine and release pressure in the sacroiliac joint.  Donna will show five different variations of this position for addressing conditions such as inflammation, hyperlordosis (accentuation of the lumbar curvature), sacroiliac instability, and more specific spinal pathologies such as spondylolisthesis (forward shift of the lumbar vertebrae). Many students have relayed that practicing CRP for 15 minutes twice a day has resulted in more dramatic improvement of chronic pain and discomfort than more active practices. This section of the tutorial will give you a toolbox for helping students who previously could not lie comfortably with the legs straight to find a restful relaxation position.

You’ll then learn a basic tracing technique to heighten awareness of the pathway of the psoas muscles followed by a pulsation technique for hydrating and softening the psoas and spinal muscles. Following this, Donna will lead you through a spiralic warm-up technique that prepares the spine for deeper ranges of movement. You’ll finish the tutorial by learning the first of many techniques that incorporate a Muscle Release ball, a simple, low-cost, pain-free and incredibly effective technique for paving the way toward a happy psoas.

Video Tutorial Two: Release and Lengthen the Psoas Muscles

Many techniques that purport to release the psoas muscles are unnecessarily painful and often result in further defensive holding in these deep core muscles. In this tutorial you’ll learn a series of gentle techniques to release and lengthen the psoas muscles. Techniques offered include those that can be practiced independently or with the assistance of a sensitive partner, incorporating simple props such as a towel, Muscle Release Ball, bolster, or chair. You can cherry pick these techniques to use one or two practices within a Yoga class. Or you can use the techniques as part of a targeted therapeutic protocol to resolve deep core imbalances that may be contributing to spinal and pelvic discomfort.

This Course Also Includes:

  • Recordings of All Webinar Sessions: It’s generally acknowledged that many people only retain 10-20 percent of what they learn in a workshop. You will get access to the recordings of both webinar sessions (both MP3 and MP4), enabling you to go back and listen to the workshop as many times as you like.
  • Transcripts of All Sessions: Ever wanted to refer to a certain part of a course? Even the best note takers miss a point every so often. With the transcripts of the sessions, you can go back and refer to particularly important passages or clarify sections you were in doubt about.

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Donna Farhi has been practicing and teaching yoga for more than four decades. She is one of the most sought-after guest teachers in the world, leading intensives and teacher training programs internationally.

$197/ Lifetime Access

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