Free Download! Building a Strong Foundation for Life: Keys to Healthy Feet


Question: Which is the part of the body that most people ignore but which plays a key role in our health and aging trajectory in the long run?

Not sure?

The answer is the humble feet.

For most of us, when it comes to the feet, it’s out of sight, out of mind.

But that is a mistake you don’t want to make, says physical therapist and Iyengar yoga teacher Julie Gudmestad.

The feet form the foundation of our posture and movement patterns. A beautiful, strong posture grows from balanced, well-rooted feet.

Unfortunately, the feet are a much-neglected part of the body for most people. So it should be no surprise that three out of four Americans will experience foot problems at one point in their lives, says yoga therapist Julie Gudmestad P.T. in this week’s free download.

This in turn has numerous spillover effects that affect the body up the line in ways that undermine our structural health and balance, Julie notes.

Properly aligned arches and ankles set the stage for good knee and hip positioning. And we need a healthy foot with broad, balanced toes to help us stay centered and stable and move to reduce the risk of falls and fractures.

Not only that, once our feet and ankles become wobbly and misaligned, it affects our balance. And that in turns predisposes us for falls and fractures.

There is no reason why we shouldn’t be able to enjoy healthy feet for the better part of our lives, says Julie.

Enjoy this free download in which Julie discusses some of the key facts about the feet that most people miss out on and how yoga can help us build a stronger and more healthy foundation.

You might also be interested with Julie Gudmestad’s course: Pillars of Healthy Aging: Yoga for Balanced and Pain-free Feet and Ankles.

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Julie has devoted her professional life to integrating the healing benefits of yoga with her medical training as a physical therapist. She has integrated decades of patient care experience with 40 years of yoga teaching.

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