Issues in the Tissues – Releasing Emotional Holdings through Movement and Body Repatterning


Can we release psychological trauma by addressing the issues and chronic holdings in the body? And if so, which are some of the best ways to proceed?

In this online course for yoga teachers and yoga therapists, Anatomy Trains author Thomas Myers explores the way in which unresolved trauma is held and expressed in body movement, and illustrates some of the strategies people have used to unravel and resolve these bits of unfinished business.

Fascia, the collagenous-based soft-tissues in the body and the cells that create and maintain that network, plays a key role in locking in past experiences and mental patterns into the bodily tissues. Tom will discuss how chronic emotional holdings get lodged in the body, and how fascia in particular, becomes a static holder of postural patterns. In order to change the person and the issues in the tissues, you have to make a deep change in the pattern of your body. That pattern is in the nervous system, the muscular system, the chemistry, and the fascia.

What You Will Learn

  • How the mind-body interface of past experience, unprocessed emotions, and chronically held bodily tension patterns develop over time, and the implications this has for our personal growth and development
  • Recognizing issues in the tissues: Understanding and recognizing common postural patterns that have an emotional component;
  • How overwhelming experiences can be exorcised from the body and psyche—and why years of talk therapy might not be enough.
  • Why yoga may be a useful approach to releasing chronic mental-emotional patterns, and why some styles of yoga may facilitate this process more than others;
  • How to facilitate, and hold space for students on this path of transformation.

This Course Also Includes:

  • Anatomy of Fascia 101 – Part One: In this 50 minute download, Tom Myers provides a new map for understanding the principles of fascial planes in posture and movement. Yoga therapists and yoga teachers can learn the importance of fascia, how it works in the body and in physical fitness. You will also learn how the balance between bones, muscles and fascia work in everyday life and how it changes with ageing, exercise, and therapy.
  • Recordings of Both Sessions: It’s generally acknowledged that many people only retain 10-20 percent of what they learn in a workshop. You will get the recordings of both sessions, both MP3 and MP4 (streaming), enabling you to go back and listen to the workshop as many times as you like.
  • Transcripts of Both Sessions: Ever wanted to refer to a certain part of a course? Even the best note takers miss a point every so often. With the transcripts of the sessions, you can go back and refer to particularly important passages or clarify sections you were in doubt about.

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Thomas Myers studied with Drs. Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais, and Buckminster Fuller, and with a variety of movement and manual therapy pioneers. His work is influenced by cranial, visceral, and intrinsic movement studies.

$107/ Lifetime Access

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