Savasana Bundle Series: A Shamanic Journey and The Art of Lying Down


Savasana: A Shamanic Journey

Yoga master BKS Iyengar states that Savasana, seemingly the easiest pose, is actually one of the most difficult to truly master.

Are you having trouble relaxing in your practice or with teaching Savasana at the end of your classes? Many yoga practitioners experience restlessness, agitation, obsessive thoughts, and even fears in Savasana. Others find it difficult to physically relax and release. Is it possible to “empty the mind”? And is it a realistic expectation or even a good idea to strive for this?

This audio yoga download with yoga therapist Francois Raoult looks at these issues with Savasana. Francois teaches us practical techniques to guide both ourselves and our students into a deeper state of awareness in Savasana. When we are able to deeply relax and release our sensory organs, we enter the inner landscape. Practicing the art of surrender (isvara pranidhana) we are in contact with our true, innermost nature. Francois will inspire you to make the time for savasana.

Savasana: The Art of Lying Down

In this audio yoga download Francois Raoult answers questions about the many aspects of this rewarding yoga pose: Savasana. Francois discusses ways to lie down for deep relaxation, back-pain relief, yoga nidra, pranayama, and sleep and offers instruction on:

• Building support and adjusting the body

• Assisting students for optimal comfort

• Self-adjustments in Savasana to release the spine

• Vyana vayu, releasing prana in all directions

• Different layers of Savasana

• Accessing the inner self

• Savasana meditation: being in the center

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