Join us for a journey exploring how to build pelvic floor health from the ground up. A strong and balanced pelvic floor is essential to retain structural balance as we age.
Unfortunately, the most common approach to pelvic floor strengthening – Kegels – is often under-taught and misunderstood and can sometimes even lead to more problems.
Experience how the pelvic floor connects with all the parts of the deep core line of the body, the deepest and most important myofascial line of the body, as outlined by Tom Myers in his Anatomy Trains model.
“Proper strengthening and stabilizing of the pelvic floor will help to create the correct foundation of each movement in the body,” says Leslie Howard. “This is the true meaning of “core work.”
Keeping the pelvic floor balanced can help prevent common issues like incontinence, pelvic pain, prolapsed organs, pre or post-pregnancy problems, discomfort during sex or using tampons, leak when laughing, sneezing, coughing, or pain in the lower back, hips, or groin pain.
Retaining the strength of the pelvic floor also helps keep the pelvic and abdominal organs healthy as we age. It is a basic tool to avoid loss of energy from this important area.
Session 1: Breathe Easy: Balancing the Deep Core with the Diaphragm
In this session, learn how laying the foundation for pelvic floor health starts with the breath. In this session, we will explore ways to evaluate and enhance our ability to take more efficient, easeful breaths. Discover the connection between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor and learn techniques to balance the deep core through proper breathing.
Session 2: Pelvic Floor Power: Building Strength from the Feet Up
Learn how to harness the power of the arches of feet! In this session, experience how the arches of the feet are linked to the dome of the pelvic floor. Learn how simple and accessible footwork can help strengthen and soften the pelvic floor, making your breath more easeful. Discover the importance of foot alignment and how it impacts pelvic floor health.
Session 3: Balancing the Knees and Pelvis – Freeing the Knee through Proper Alignment
Discover the connection between knee health and pelvic floor balance. The knee is a prisoner of the foot and the pelvis. In this session, you will learn how many knee problems can be alleviated with more awareness of alignment through the deep core line. Learn how to create greater core balance by strengthening and stretching certain muscle groups that may not work properly.
Session 4: Firm Foundations: Enhancing Core Stability in Standing Poses
Learn how to use the connection of the feet through the pelvic floor as a platform for greater core integration in all standing poses. You will learn new ways to improve balance and stability by connecting the lower parts of the body to the upper through the deep core line. Experience how more integrated movement patterns can transform your yoga practice and daily life.