February 2019: Yoga for Healthy Hips: The Role of the Psoas, Adductors and Deep Rotators with Julie Gudmestad
Find More Balance and Stability Through the Adductor Muscles
Julie guides you through a practice that will open up more space in your hips and lengthen your adductors, making Triangle and Half Moon more accessible. This video also places an emphasis on uncompressing the spine and moving it into a deeper rotation, increasing its mobility and suppleness. By following Julie through this practice you will build a stronger foundation for future forward bends, twists, and balance poses.
Strengthen External Hip Rotators and Protect Your Knees
Strengthen and release your external hip rotators in this hour-long practice with expert Yoga Teacher and Physical Therapist, Julie Gudmestad. Julie brings her anatomical expertise into the classroom in a down to earth approach to yoga teaching, bringing a deeper sense of connection to your body and the yoga poses themselves. Lengthening the external hip rotators provides relief to some back and hip pain, creating more freedom and ease in the body.
Yoga for Healthy Hips: Strengthen and Lengthen the Psoas
Relieve back pain and improve posture in this yoga practice with physical therapist and expert yoga teacher Julie Gudmestad. Focus on lengthening the psoas muscle.