October 2021: Inner Peace and Serenity – An Introduction to Restorative Yoga
Finding Slow with Judith Hanson Lasater and Lizzie Lasater
Feel more relaxed, reduce all indexes of stress, improve immune function, and sleep better by giving your body the “miracle” of 20 minutes of supported rest. Join Judith and her daughter, Lizzie, on this journey to true relaxation.
Finding Stillness with Judith Hanson Lasater and Lizzie Lasater
Yoga is not just a practice, it is a state of being–a state in which the agitation of the mind is resolved. Most of us live with a level of chronic tension from our thoughts, whether we are worried about the future or dissecting some comment or event from the past. This practice has been designed to bring you into a state of greater stillness and presence, and to develop freedom from your thoughts: the ability to notice your thoughts without feeling agitation.
Breathing 1 with Gabriel Halpern
Hatha yoga speaks to the solar and lunar currents that course through our body, which are nothing but the two channels of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. In this series of restorative postures will be taught to prepare our body and mind for in the depth and subtle work ahead. For beginners, we’ll explore breathing basics in both supine and seated positions, as well as digitally controlled exercises for the more experienced student. Have a direct experience of how to increase both energy and tranquility with these techniques.
Deep Rest Practice with Katie Silcox
This soothing practice is a wonderful treat: it promotes profound healing and restoration. Join Katie for this deeply relaxing asana practice followed by a long, full-body relaxation designed to help you chill out during the day or sleep like a baby at night.