Inverted Finishing Sequence Focus

This practice warms up with Suryanamskara and standing postures, then goes directly to the finishing sequence where Kate will talk you through a few of the finer points of the Ashtanga shoulder stand cycle and beneficial practice of Sirsasana. It is important to be proficient in Suryanamaskara and Beginning Primary practice before undertaking the full … Continued

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Vigorous Full Vinyasa

The practice of full vinaysa, or coming all the way to standing between each seated posture is most beneficial when the body needs lightening- and very fun. This practice creates more sweating, increased heart rate, and can be quite relieving for a stiff back and shoulders.  Warm ups, full vinaysa primary series and complete finishing … Continued

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YFHA: Challenging Balance Practice

Dr. Baxter Bell has designed this video for those who have done the Easy Balance Practice and are ready to move to the next level. This series of poses will ramp up your balance skill quickly through a combination of traditional yoga postures and controlled instability, a technique from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. … Continued

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Straighten Posture and Build Balance with Tree Pose

Julie Gudmestad helps you build balance and sharpen your balance reflexes with Tree Pose for beginners. Balance is especially important as we grow older and are at risk for falls. This class is also great for improving posture: most people come to yoga with a forward incline of the head, rounded shoulders, or the pelvis … Continued

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Building Strength: The Importance of the Warrior Poses in Building Strength and Resilience

Julie guides you through a practice that will tune and enhance your Warrior 1 and 3 poses. This practice builds flexibility and strength, but it also builds the heat within us that can burn up old habits, preconceptions, and blocks that hold us back. Attention to opening the hips and shoulders increases mobility and prevents … Continued

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Tutorial 1, Warrior 1

Warrior 1 is a challenging pose to find and maintain correct alignment in, but when done properly, it can bring numerous benefits: increased strength, better balance, and more openness in your hips and shoulders. In this tutorial, Claire guides you into this pose, demonstrating variations that allow you to adjust your level of challenge.

To access this content, you must purchase Practice Channel Subscription or Practice Channel 3 Months Bonus.

Tutorial 2, Warrior 2

Tap into the power of Warrior 2 through this tutorial. Clair explains the subtleties of alignment and gives you pointers for finding stability and strength in this pose. Stretch and strengthen your legs and arms, increase your stamina, and connect to the warrior within.  

To access this content, you must purchase Practice Channel Subscription or Practice Channel 3 Months Bonus.
