The Four Yoga Keys to Healthy Aging – November Online Yoga Practice Series with Dr. Baxter Bell
Please enjoy these videos from Dr. Baxter Bell’s series on Yoga for Healthy Aging! To sample more of our great Practice Channel videos, click on any of the buttons below, or navigate using the “YogaU Practice Channel” menu at the top of the page.
YFHA: Upper Body Strength Practice
Strength is necessary for both our health and our ability to do things we enjoy in our every day life, whether we’re climbing up a flight of stairs or carrying our groceries from the car into our home. Overall strength keeps our joints stable, and gives us freedom to engage in a wider variety of activities without feeling drained or tired. In this video, Dr. Baxter Bell focuses on developing the strength of your arms, shoulders, back, upper body, and chest.
YFHA: Upper Body Flexibility Practice
Flexibility is one of the four key life skills for healthy aging. Dr. Baxter Bell has designed this practice to increase the range of motion you have in your shoulders, upper back, and neck area. Each one of us is dealing with our own flexibility issues, which have likely been stable for some time. Through this video, however, we can actually start to influence our flexibility, and loosen joints that may have become stiff.
YFHA: Easy Balance Practice
As we get older our balance often will gradually worsen. This can lead to falls and fractures in our later years. However, if we work on balance regularly we can maintain and sometimes even improve our overall balance. The practice in this video has been designed by Dr. Baxter Bell to help you build balance so that you can continue to move through life with safety and ease.
YFHA: Easy Agility Practice
Agility is essential for healthy aging—it allows us to move through time and space with coordination, balance, strength, and flexibility. If you are looking for a gentle introduction to developing agility, this is a great place to start! In this class, Dr. Baxter Bell uses a combination of dynamic movement and static, held postures to cultivate agility, improving our body’s ability to adapt to unexpected changes in our environment.