The Seven Chakras Series with Kristine Kaoverii Weber
In this 7-part yoga download series by Kristine Kaoverii Weber, you will learn what the traditional Tantric texts have revealed about these sacred energy centers. You will also be introduced to some of Carl Jung’s theory about each Chakra and their relevance to your physical and emotional health, and spiritual growth.
Kaoverii supplies basic asanas for each Chakra which can help balance these centers as well as simple meditations and mudras.
The Original Chakra System
Although the ancient tantric masters were the first to perceive the chakra system, there has been little written about their perceptions. The tantrics saw themselves as microcosmic reflections of the universe and understood the chakras as the controlling points of the various factors (solid, liquid, luminous, aerial and etherial) that the Cosmic Mind uses to create everything in the universe. They developed a wide variety of practices to balance the system and thereby balance the various aspects of their existence.
The Tantric chakra system, as detailed in the Mahanirvana Tantra and the Sat Cakra Nirupama, is a detailed map of the human mental/emotional landscape. These texts are full of colourful, elaborate descriptions of the chakras – surprisingly different from how chakras are generally described today. The tantric descriptions include the relevance of each petal on each chakra, which control specific vrittis (mental/emotional tendencies).
This map is an exquisite tool which can help you get to the root of mental/emotional imbalances. You can then use the asana practice to help bring about inner balance. By balancing the chakras, the universe within becomes balanced – the mind is clearer and more peaceful and meditation is easier. Using asanas to balance the chakras is an incredibly powerful tool for creating and maintaining emotional health.
In this yoga download with Kaoverii Kristine Weber, we will look at the tantric chakras system and discuss the basics of chakra asanas from a physical and psycho-spiritual perspective. We will explore asanas in relation to each chakra and address specific issues such as post-traumatic stress, anger, anxiety, depression and lack of self-expression.
The First Chakra, Muladhara: Building Your Foundation
The First Chakra, or Muladhara, is the root or foundation of the system. It is controlled by the Earth element which means that it relates to how grounded we are in our lives. It is here that the sacred kundalini energy, the powerful spiritual force, lies dormant or grounded, awaiting awakening in order to begin its journey towards self-actualization. The Muladhara is where the path of yoga begins. This center holds the necessary components for creating your life in sync with your dharma, your purpose for existence. It is from groundedness in the first chakra that all physical, emotional and spiritual development can begin and flourish.
In this audio yoga download, Kaoverii Kristine Weber talks about what the traditional Tantric texts have revealed about this sacred energy center. Kaoverii also discusses some of Carl Jung’s theory about the First Chakra and its relevance to your physical and emotional health, and spiritual growth. Kaoverii also covers basic asanas which can help balance this center as well as simple meditations and mudras.
The Second Chakra, Svadhisthana: Taking the Plunge
The second chakra, Svadhisthana is the center into which the awakened consciousness rises – with elation as well as trepidation. Progression from the first to second chakra can be both exhilarating and terrifying. The Second Chakra is controlled by the water element which means it relates to how well you flow with life’s changes. Taking the plunge into the sacred waters of the Second Chakra awakens consciousness to the journey ahead. In this chakra, you come face to face with your shadow, or dark side. Finding the fortitude to integrate and transform these aspects of your being into your life is at the core of second chakra work.
In this audio yoga download, Kaoverii Kristine Weber discusses what the traditional Tantric texts have revealed about this sacred energy center. She also talks about some of Carl Jung’s theory about the Second Chakra and its relevance to your physical and psycho-emotional health, and spiritual growth.
The Third Chakra, Manipura: Tending Your Fire
The third chakra, Manipura is the power center of the chakra system. It is controlled by the Luminous Factor, which means it is related to how well we “digest” life. It is where food “combusts” to make energy, physical strength is consolidated, willpower is gathered and where most emotional issues settle to be ruminated upon and potentially transformed into vital energy. The Third Chakra is the Alchemist’s crucible through which you can catalyze changes in your life in order to fuel the expansive, compassionate potential of the heart.
In this audio yoga download, Kaoverii Kirstine Weber teaches us what the traditional Tantric texts have revealed about this sacred energy center. She introduces some of Carl Jung’s theory about the Third Chakra and its relevance to your physical and psycho-emotional health, and spiritual growth. Kaoverii also covers basic asanas which can help balance this center as well as simple meditations and mudras.
The Fourth Chakra, Anahata: Protecting Your Sacred Flame
The fourth chakra, Anahata, holds and protects the sacred flame of the heart. The Tantric texts say that this is the energy center where you begin to realize your humanity and the potential for your existence. The Fourth Chakra is controlled by the Air element, which means that here you begin to expand rapidly into your sacred purpose. It is also the center of relationship where you begin to connect deeply with yourself, with others and, in a devotional sense, to your deepest Self. The Fourth Chakra is the place where you gain the courage to stand up for and protect that which you hold to be sacred and true.
In this audio yoga download, Kaoverii Kristine Weber talks about what the traditional Tantric texts have revealed about this sacred energy center. She also introduces some of Carl Jung’s theory about the Fourth Chakra and its relevance to your physical and psycho-emotional health, and spiritual growth. You will be introduced to basic asanas which can help balance this center as well as simple meditations and mudras.
The Fifth Chakra, Vishudda: Actualizing Your Dharma
The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, located in the throat, is the bridge between the physical and the spiritual realms of existence. In the Fifth Chakra, you begin to express yourself – through your words, your life’s work, and your being. “Vishuddha” means “purification.” Through this center, that which comes in to you – material, emotional and spiritual – is purified and utilized for the highest good, in order to allow the universe to clearly speak through you. It is through this center that ancient yogis began to understand the reality of quantum physics – that mind can change matter. By bringing balance to the Fifth Chakra, you can begin to speak your highest truth and actualize your life.
In this audio yoga download, Kaoverii Kristine Weber talks about what the traditional Tantric texts have revealed about this sacred energy center. She also introduces some of Carl Jung’s theory about the Fifth Chakra and its relevance to your physical and psycho-emotional health, and spiritual growth. Kaoverii also covers basic asanas which can help balance this center as well as simple meditations and mudras.
The Sixth & Seventh Chakras, Ajna & Sahasrara: Fulfilling Your Sacred Destiny
The Sixth & Seventh Chakras, Ajna & Sahasrara are the destination of the spiritual journey. It is at these centers that the kundalini, the spiritual energy, fulfills its desire for yoga, or union. Although the experience of the highest centers is indeed a lofty topic for discussion, universal human potential is perhaps the most compelling subject of study. The Tantric yogi’s perception of the Sixth and Seventh Chakras points the way to ananda, unlimited joy. According to the yogis it is not only the birthright, it is the destiny of every human being to experience these elevated states of existence.
In this audio yoga download, Kaoverii Kristine Weber explores what the traditional Tantric texts have revealed about these sacred energy centers. She also introduces some of Carl Jung’s theory about the Ajna and Sahasrara Chakras and its relevance to your physical and psycho-emotional health, and spiritual growth.