New Study Finds Microwave Radiation Harmful for Heart

Food that is “nuked” may cause hearts to fluke: a recent study reveals that microwave ovens, often shunned by the health-conscious for their negative effects on the nutritional value of food, also negatively impact our hearts.
According to, a study conducted by Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University found that the levels of microwave frequency radiation we see in home kitchens is significant enough to affect both heart rate and heart rate variability. The study found that 2.4 GHz radiation (the frequency produced by WiFi routers and microwave ovens) emitted at levels well within federal safety guidelines can effect “immediate and dramatic changes” in both heart rate and heart rate variability.
In other words, even though laws have been put in place to try to ensure the safety of microwave ovens, damage is being done. Anyone experiencing an irregular or rapid heartbeat and/or chest pain may wish to unplug their microwave oven discontinue use.
New research also indicates that microwave radiation from kitchen microwave ovens can lead to blood sugar spikes connected with diabetes in susceptible individuals.
If you wish to continue using your microwave, Mercola suggests stepping away from the device when in use and checking it routinely to ensure no significant frequency “leakage” (such as through an improperly sealed door, etc.) is occurring. While federally approved levels of microwave emission can be harmful, the sky-high levels of frequencies radiated from an un-sealed microwave can be critically dangerous.