Sun Salutations: Empowered Light – Beginners Series Practice #3

Eager to get onto your yoga mat and feel energized? With this straightforward breath-centered approach, we begin with standing moves. A significant first step with variations as we reach up, fold into a forward bend, take a leg forward and back into a lunge, and move into a simple inverted pose. Move at a pace … Continued

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Sun Salutations: Empowered Flow – Beginners Series Practice Video #5

In this segment, we add a breath-centered flowing movement to the foundation series for variety designed to enhance balance, focus, strength, and agility. We continue to advance opening the hips, ankles, and shoulder joints while strengthening your body’s core, arms, and legs. Feel the flow. Feel the glow.

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Learning and Loving Lunge

Using an array of props to emphasize various aspects of the pose, this class breaks down the foundational pose, High Lunge. Once we gain understanding and awareness of its different parts, we piece them back together for an integrated and informative High Lunge, as well as connect it to other poses that benefit from this … Continued

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Practice for the Challenges of Sitting for Meditation: The Hip Flexors and TFL

Sitting in meditation can challenge the lower back and hips. Tiredness or weakness of the low back causes the hip flexors to engage more, which can tighten them and create even more challenge in this pose. In this video, Doug guides you through a practice to not only open your hips, but strengthen your lower … Continued

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Focus on Bandha

Bandha, a subtle engaging of the lower abdomen and floor of the pelvis, is an integral aspect of the Ashtanga method, to stabilize the mind and body. This practice begins with a “cross-training” exercise to help find the regions of uddiyana and mulabandha, then uses specific imagery and constant reminders to engage the center of … Continued

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Rock that Boat: Navasana for Core Strength and Balance

This Navasana practice develops balance and concentration, and also strengthens some of the body’s most important muscle groups: the abdominals, the hip flexors, and the quads. Unlike ab work-outs that round the back, the poses in this video keep the torso long, strengthening the back body as well as the front and improve your posture. … Continued

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Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)

Learn how to ground and rotate in this tutorial for Revolved Triangle – a pose that develops strength and and promotes greater energy throughout the body and mind! Tias Little, master yoga teacher, offers many detailed alignment tips that will help you develop a greater sense of proper alignment in this challenging standing pose.

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Strengthen and Stretch: Half Bound Lotus

Open your hamstrings and hips with this intermediate Vinyasa style class from Kate Heffernan. This class will focus on opening the outer hips, hamstrings and shoulders in preparation for a deep, seated forward-fold with a long name: Eka Pada Ardha Baddha Padma Pachimottanasana, also known as One-Armed Half-Bound Lotus with a Forward Fold.  

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