Introduction to Yoga l: A Well Rounded Basic Practice – Beginners Practice Series #6

Integrate everything you’ve learned from the preceding classes into one well-rounded yoga practice. New students will become more familiar with the building blocks of asana practice: pose and counterpose, standing poses to build strength and endurance, backbends to stretch and open the front of the body, simple forward bends to release tight muscles, an inverted … Continued

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Introduction to Yoga ll: Downward Dog as Traction for your Spine – Beginners Practice Series #1

This practice is designed to illuminate Downward Facing Dog Pose. Open the toes and soles of the feet, warm up your wrists and ankles, and stretch your  arms and legs. Learn how to create traction for your spine by moving in two directions at once. Each action you’ll learn will work in concert with the … Continued

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Introduction to Yoga ll: Use your Wall to Approach the Shoulderstand Pose – Beginners Practice Series #5

Salamba Sarvangasana means “All Limbs Pose.” It demands abdominal strength, agility in the shoulders, and stability in the arms. This practice will warm up your whole body, highlighting mobility in the shoulders and stability at the core. We introduce a variation of this classical pose at the wall and teach you some of the most … Continued

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Introduction to Yoga ll: Restorative Poses to Profoundly Rest – Beginners Practice Series #6

Learning to consciously let go is an advanced practice! Take deep care of yourself by letting go, layer by layer, of tension you may have collected along the way. As you breathe and spend time in these nourishing postures, you will discover the magic of doing less and feeling more. Regularly practicing these poses can … Continued

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Finding Pratyahara

Dive deeply into yourself in this profoundly restful class with the legendary Judith Hanson Lasater. Join Judith and her daughter Lizzie Lasater for this enlightening restorative yoga class focusing on the development of Pratyahara – withdrawal from the senses.

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Inverted Finishing Sequence Focus

This practice warms up with Suryanamskara and standing postures, then goes directly to the finishing sequence where Kate will talk you through a few of the finer points of the Ashtanga shoulder stand cycle and beneficial practice of Sirsasana. It is important to be proficient in Suryanamaskara and Beginning Primary practice before undertaking the full … Continued

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Fearless Upside Down – Demystifying Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana)

Often described as the King and the Queen of the Asana, for many students Headstand and Shoulderstand instead end up being the proverbial pain in the neck.  With both poses it’s a combination of openness and strength in the upper body that protect the vunerable neck, and allow one to experience the delights of inversion.  … Continued

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Fearless Upside Down – Demystifying Headstand (Sirsasana)

Often described as the King and the Queen of the Asana, for many students Headstand and Shoulderstand instead end up being the proverbial pain in the neck.  With both poses it’s a combination of openness and strength in the upper body that protect the vunerable neck, and allow one to experience the delights of inversion.  … Continued

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Healing The Organic Body: Generating Vitality and Energy

In this practice the entire body will be nourished with the help of passive stretches designed to bring more blood flow to the organs. Unlike most yoga classes, whose aim is to simply stretch the muscles and connective tissue, this course focuses on specific techniques to help optimize the flow of prana (blood and lymph) … Continued

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