Universal Warm Up

This 20-minute class can be used as a brief standalone practice or as a warm-up to prepare for whatever poses you are interested in practicing. The parctice strengthens and opens the shoulders, strengthens the quads and hamstrings and back body,  stretches the hamstrings and mobilizes the mid-upper back.

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Keys to Transforming Your Vinyasa Part 3 – Refining Downward Dog

How do some practitioners flow seamlessly from pose to pose? Discover the essential actions and alignment that will transform your classical Vinyasa with a ripple effect throughout your practice . In this three-part series we’ll breakdown Chaturanga, Urdvha Mukha Svanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana and refine the elusive yet essential transitions between the three poses. … Continued

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Building Strength: The Importance of the Warrior Poses in Building Strength and Resilience

Julie guides you through a practice that will tune and enhance your Warrior 1 and 3 poses. This practice builds flexibility and strength, but it also builds the heat within us that can burn up old habits, preconceptions, and blocks that hold us back. Attention to opening the hips and shoulders increases mobility and prevents … Continued

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Dump the Slump! Deepen Your Backbends to Improve Posture

The amount of time we spend sitting in chairs closes up our front body: our hips flex at a right angle; our arms stay low, which tightens our shoulders; our diaphragm is compressed; our chest dropped; and our mid-back flexed. It’s no wonder we face a challenge with backbends! In this video, Julie guides you … Continued

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Healing The Organic Body: Generating Vitality and Energy

In this practice the entire body will be nourished with the help of passive stretches designed to bring more blood flow to the organs. Unlike most yoga classes, whose aim is to simply stretch the muscles and connective tissue, this course focuses on specific techniques to help optimize the flow of prana (blood and lymph) … Continued

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Focus on Backbending for Beginners and Older Beginners

This practice is designed for the beginner and older beginner yoga student who is new to backbending. Julie lays the foundation of how to practice backbends and teaches everything you need to know to practice these energizing poses safely and effectively. Julie has expertly crafted this practice to first warm up the shoulders and core … Continued

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Easing into Urdhva Dhanurasana

Considered a more advanced pose, Urdhva Dhanurasana stretches and opens the entire body, while stregthening the arms, wrists, spine, legs and abdomen. This sequence will carefully prepare you for this strong pose by opening up the shoulders and the upper back, as well as the front body.  This pose especially opens up the quadriceps and … Continued

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Bird of Paradise

Follow this hip-opening and shoulder-opening sequence to prepare for its grand finale: Bird of Paradise pose. One of yoga’s most beautiful poses, this graceful posture balances strength and flexibility and promotes a soft, steady mind. It also cultivates the stabilizer muscles of the standing leg and opens the hips and shoulders.

To access this content, you must purchase Practice Channel Subscription or Practice Channel 3 Months Bonus.
