Sensitivity and Sensation: Pressure and Spaciousness – Beginners Series Practice Part 2 #3
In Module 2.3, we learn how our breath relates to the physical postures in yoga and how to use this understanding to our advantage as practitioners.
In Module 2.3, we learn how our breath relates to the physical postures in yoga and how to use this understanding to our advantage as practitioners.
In the final module of this course, we explore the relationship between the mind, body, and spirit that is integral to our deeper understanding of yoga’s role in our lives.
This class uses classic and not so classic yoga poses to strengthen the hips in all its directions of movement. By emphasizing the strengtening aspects of what can otherwise be another passive yoga stretch, we are more able to prevent common yoga injuries. It will leave your hips (and body) feeling balanced. Props needed include … Continued
Using an array of props to emphasize various aspects of the pose, this class breaks down the foundational pose, High Lunge. Once we gain understanding and awareness of its different parts, we piece them back together for an integrated and informative High Lunge, as well as connect it to other poses that benefit from this … Continued
This class will teach you how to balance your shoulders using a combination of mindful strengthening exercises and shoulder stretching poses. Props include a resistance band, 2 blocks and a bolster with some work done at-the-wall.
This is an entire practice dedicated to experiencing both the pacifying and engaging aspects of Forward Folds, moving through a repertoire of seated, standing, and even upside down forward folds. The class will help calm the mind, soothe the nervous system, and awaken the body. You’ll need a chair, a strap, 2 blocks, and 2 … Continued
Strengthen and stretch the ankles and feet in this practice designed to give the ankles and feet the extra attention they deserve. This class includes variations of Downward Dog, Plank, standing poses and some specialized skill-building for the lower legs, ankles and feet.
Strengthen and stretch your wrists and hands in this practice designed to support an active yoga practice. In yoga we frequently bear weight on the hand, and a designated practice to loosen and strengthen the wrists is well worth the time and effort. This sequence includes techniques that are appropriate for any level of practice, … Continued
Julie guides you through a practice that will open up more space in your hips and lengthen your adductors, making Triangle and Half Moon more accessible. This video also places an emphasis on uncompressing the spine and moving it into a deeper rotation, increasing its mobility and suppleness. By following Julie through this practice you … Continued
An out-of-balance psoas muscle will pull on your back, and may lead to general back pain, groin pain, or even a herniated disk. Doug explains the different effects of different types of psoas imbalances, and guides you through a series of poses to release tight psoas muscles and find relief.
Flexibility is one of the four key life skills for healthy aging. Dr. Baxter Bell has designed this practice to increase the range of motion you have in your shoulders, upper back, and neck area. Each one of us is dealing with our own flexibility issues, which have likely been stable for some time. Through … Continued
In this video, Dr. Baxter Bell guides you through a well-balanced series of movements to develop flexibility of the hips, lower back, knees, and ankles. Because most of us sit a lot during the day or maybe aren’t as active as we once were, we’ve lost some of our full potential in these areas. These … Continued