Flexibility: Purpose for Stretching – Beginner’s Series Practice #4

Flexibility allows us to experience greater range of motion and ease. Our movements become more fluid and movement and breath align. This practice focuses on the fluidity of breath and movement in Low Lunge, Ardha Matsyendrasana (seated twist) and Supported Paschimottanasana, melting straight into a Supported Savasana.

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Hip-Opening with Standing Poses – Key Poses to Lengthen the Adductors

Julie guides you through a practice that will open up more space in your hips and lengthen your adductors, making Triangle and Half Moon more accessible. This video also places an emphasis on uncompressing the spine and moving it into a deeper rotation, increasing its mobility and suppleness. By following Julie through this practice you … Continued

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Twists are well known for detoxifying the body, improving digestion, and toning the abdmonial muscles. In addition, twists can help mobilize the thoracic spine, that mid- to upper-back area that often tightens into a hunch as we sit at our desks. In this well-rounded twisting class, Jasmine guides you through a series of poses that … Continued

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Deep Twists: An Act of Effort and Surrender

Twists are a powerful tool to detoxify the spine, stimulate healthy organ function, and improve spinal mobility. Taking twists to the next level, however, requires a balance of effort and surrender. Take the next step in your twist practice with this video, and find new spaciousness and freedom in postures like revolved bird of paradise … Continued

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Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)

Learn how to ground and rotate in this tutorial for Revolved Triangle – a pose that develops strength and and promotes greater energy throughout the body and mind! Tias Little, master yoga teacher, offers many detailed alignment tips that will help you develop a greater sense of proper alignment in this challenging standing pose.

To access this content, you must purchase Practice Channel Subscription or Practice Channel 3 Months Bonus.
