The Empowered Cancer Survivor: How Yoga Can Help Guide Your Journey

Cancer touches the lives of all of us. In the US and UK, 1 in 2 women and men will develop cancer at some point in their lives, according to the British Journal of Cancer. Even if we are lucky enough not to contract cancer ourselves, we all have close relatives and friends who will … Continued

Gait, Posture, and Longevity: Movement Mastery for Optimal Health

Wonder how long you are likely to live? And, more importantly, how to optimize your chances of living longer? There’s one surprising predictor of health and longevity that most people haven’t heard about. Your gait, or rather, how well and how fast you walk. We all know that walking is one of the best things … Continued

Yoga for Bone Health, Strength and Balance

Join yoga teacher and therapist Ellen Saltonstall and learn how to develop a yoga practice specifically for building stronger bones, improving your balance, and preventing fractures. Learn how to adapt your yoga practice to help build strength gradually and lay the foundation for slowing or preventing the loss of bone mass. Ellen is a pioneer … Continued

Yoga for Pelvic Floor Health Practice Series with Leslie Howard

The pelvic floor muscles are increasingly becoming recognized as an important focus for our regular exercise and fitness activities. Proper work of strengthening, stabilizing, stretching, and softening the pelvic floor helps to create the correct foundation for each movement in the body. Yet what is most prescribed as a catch-all cure is “just do your … Continued

Yoga for Healthy Aging & Fracture Prevention: Focus on Balance

One of the inevitable changes of aging is a gradual loss of the ability to balance. While this may at first seem insignificant, it is a key factor in the increased risk of fractures people face as they get older. Most fractures of the hip, wrists, or ankle are preceded by a fall, and the … Continued

Prenatal Yoga Essentials for a Healthy Pregnancy & Birth

Every pregnancy is different, even for the same the woman. The journey can be both exciting and daunting, especially when trying to safely navigate an ever-changing body through the trimesters. The key to confidence in pregnancy is learning how to utilize the gifts of yoga to better support a woman’s body, mind and heart.  So … Continued

Are Hip Openers Bad for Your Hips? Benefits, Kinesiology and Precautions

Many yoga classes speak about the benefits of hip “opening”, and yet surprisingly, the most common injuries in yoga are related to the hips – back pain, QL issues, piriformis syndrome, labrum tears, SI Joint and knee issues. This begs the question – what are we actually doing in hip openers? It is a little … Continued
