Flexibility: Purpose for Stretching – Beginner’s Series Practice #4

Flexibility allows us to experience greater range of motion and ease. Our movements become more fluid and movement and breath align. This practice focuses on the fluidity of breath and movement in Low Lunge, Ardha Matsyendrasana (seated twist) and Supported Paschimottanasana, melting straight into a Supported Savasana.

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The Full Hip

This class uses classic and not so classic yoga poses to strengthen the hips in all its directions of movement. By emphasizing the strengtening aspects of what can otherwise be another passive yoga stretch, we are more able to prevent common yoga injuries. It will leave your hips (and body) feeling balanced. Props needed include … Continued

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Practice for the Challenges of Sitting for Meditation: The Hip Flexors and TFL

Sitting in meditation can challenge the lower back and hips. Tiredness or weakness of the low back causes the hip flexors to engage more, which can tighten them and create even more challenge in this pose. In this video, Doug guides you through a practice to not only open your hips, but strengthen your lower … Continued

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Building Strength: The Importance of the Warrior Poses in Building Strength and Resilience

Julie guides you through a practice that will tune and enhance your Warrior 1 and 3 poses. This practice builds flexibility and strength, but it also builds the heat within us that can burn up old habits, preconceptions, and blocks that hold us back. Attention to opening the hips and shoulders increases mobility and prevents … Continued

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Find Freedom in Your Hips

Because the hip is a ball and socket joint, many of us experience tightness in one direction or another in our hips. This class will work to open the adductors (inner thighs), the hip flexors and the hamstrings through many standing and seated postures as well as arm balances and sweet restoratives.  

To access this content, you must purchase Practice Channel Subscription or Practice Channel 3 Months Bonus.

Healing The Organic Body: Generating Vitality and Energy

In this practice the entire body will be nourished with the help of passive stretches designed to bring more blood flow to the organs. Unlike most yoga classes, whose aim is to simply stretch the muscles and connective tissue, this course focuses on specific techniques to help optimize the flow of prana (blood and lymph) … Continued

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Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)

Learn how to ground and rotate in this tutorial for Revolved Triangle – a pose that develops strength and and promotes greater energy throughout the body and mind! Tias Little, master yoga teacher, offers many detailed alignment tips that will help you develop a greater sense of proper alignment in this challenging standing pose.

To access this content, you must purchase Practice Channel Subscription or Practice Channel 3 Months Bonus.
