Forward Bending: Free the Back Body

Release the back body and find greater ease in this gentle class designed to lengthen the hamstrings, side-waist, and lower back. Utilizing many gentle forward bends, this class will help facilitate the parasympathetic response – the wonderful “rest and digest” functioning in the nervous system, leaving you feeling refreshed, rested, and ready for your day … Continued

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Strengthen External Hip Rotators and Protect Your Knees

Strengthen and release your external hip rotators in this hour-long practice with expert Yoga Teacher and Physical Therapist, Julie Gudmestad. Julie brings her anatomical expertise into the classroom in a down to earth approach to yoga teaching, bringing a deeper sense of connection to your body and the yoga poses themselves. Lengthening the external hip … Continued

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Strengthen and Stretch: Seated Compass

Open, twist, and strengthen your whole body (seriously) in this expertly-designed Vinyasa class from Kate Heffernan. This class will build to a challenging yoga pose called Seated Compass Pose (with modifications for the not-so-flexy.) In preparation for this pose, Kate will guide you through poses that will open the inner thighs and hamstrings, while also … Continued

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Bird of Paradise

Follow this hip-opening and shoulder-opening sequence to prepare for its grand finale: Bird of Paradise pose. One of yoga’s most beautiful poses, this graceful posture balances strength and flexibility and promotes a soft, steady mind. It also cultivates the stabilizer muscles of the standing leg and opens the hips and shoulders.

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Hip Flexors 101

One of the first things many students discover when they start practicing Yoga is how tight their hip flexors are. Whether the culprit is a sedentary or a very active lifestyle, this imbalance effects postures AND posture and can lead to lower back pain. In this short, focused practice we’ll start with basic anatomy and … Continued

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Poses We Love – Half Bound Lotus Forward Fold

Half Bound Lotus Forward Fold (Ardha Baddha Padmottonasana) can be challenging if the hips are tight, so hip-opening exercises should be included in warm-ups. Modifications are designed to take pressure off of the knee by giving more space to the pose, letting the ankle drop lower than the hip crease, and lessening the forward bend … Continued

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Easy Does It: Reclaiming Your Hips

For those of us with sedentary jobs, the hips can be an easy place to go numb. In this soothing practice, Ana empowers practitioners to reclaim their hips through gentle stretching and strengthening. Moving through these asanas will help to alleviate pain and stiffness in the hips, and bring a renewed sense of awareness to the hips. Part of … Continued

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