Space Element: Vibrating Life
Star Trek fans (myself included) consider space to be the final frontier. But is it? According to yoga philosophy, the space element is a manifestation of a mysterious substance called ether. Science defines space as a boundless substance in which
Is Magnesium Deficiency Contributing to Your Muscle Tension, Pain, or Fatigue?
Sometimes, despite all your efforts to release tension and relieve pain with pandiculation, you may get to a point where you feel like something else is going on. There may be some other factor besides learned muscular patterns that’s causing
Refine Your Yoga Practice: 5 Easy Fixes for Malasana
If Malasana (Garland Pose) is not part of your regular practice, there are several compelling reasons to add it. Regular squatting practice benefits include opening the hips and groin, stretching the ankles, hamstrings, and back, giving a little boost to
An Ayurvedic Drink for Better Sleep
Ayurveda is an ancient wisdom that originated in India. It is a beautiful science that focuses on various aspects of an individual when considering their health. Some of these aspects are sex, sleep, and digestion! I absolutely love it, so
Controversial Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose): Is it Necessary to Lengthen Both Sides of the Torso?
As yoga teachers, we know that the way we move in and out of the pose is just as important as what we do while holding the pose. This couldn’t be truer for Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose). The way
Understanding Heart Rate Variability: What It Is, Why It’s Important, And How To Improve It
Maybe you’ve heard the term heart rate variability (HRV), but do you know what it means regarding your health? It’s not something most people paid attention to until smartwatches made it easier to track. It turns out heart rate variability
Preventing Chronic Disease: Yoga May Alter Gene Expression Linked to Inflammation
Chronic stress, and the resulting inflammatory response, is a known cause of numerous illnesses. Although yoga is found to reduce stress and increase wellbeing, we know little about the molecular mechanisms mediating these effects. Interestingly, increasingly research suggests that one
Lateral Love: A Gentle Yin Yoga Sequence to Lengthen the Side Body
Yin yoga can be magical. As it works to elongate your connective tissues, it can create space in places you likely didn’t even realize were constricted. Personally, one of those tight-but-I-didn’t-know-it places was my side body. A great deal of
Dr. Ray Long: Yoga Anatomy: Two Steps to a Healthier Side Forearm Plank
Side Plank Pose (Vasisthasana) offers numerous benefits, but it is a physically very challenging pose. However, even practiced in small doses, it can strengthen your core. If you are one of the many people who struggle with hands, wrists and
Judith Hanson Lasater on The Art of Yoga: Making Every Movement an Asana
Judith Hanson Lasater is one of the longest-teaching yoga teachers in the U.S. In this interview, she reflects on how yoga teaching has changed over the years and shares her insights into what is the true essence of practicing yoga
Finding Your Radiance in Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)
Are you looking to explore the strength, balance and radiance of Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)? Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you there. Half Moon Pose (ardha = half, chandra = moon asana = pose) is an energetically expansive
Dr. Arielle Schwartz: Breathing and the Vagus Nerve - Which Is the Right Way To Breathe?
Our bodies reflect our relationship to stress. When under duress, your sympathetic nervous system kicks into gear, which can lead you to breathe with quick, forceful inhalations into your upper chest. This breathing pattern prepares you to flee or fight
Yoga Teaching & Practice: Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) - Tutorial Yoga Video
Every yoga pose is challenging in its own way, and Parivrrta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose) is no exception. There are so many points of action and alignment to think about. But they all come together to create a truly beautiful
Body-Positive Yoga: The Aging Body in Yoga
I found my first grey hair when I was 22. It wasn’t completely shocking. My mother’s hair was “brindled” grey-black for as long as I could remember before it transitioned to luminous white. I never thought seriously about dyeing it.
Yoga For Beginners: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose) - Free Online Yoga Video
Bridge Pose is a great way to counteract the high volume of sitting we all do in our daily lives. When you are sitting down, your hips are in flexion (the hip flexor muscles are shortened). This creates a variety of issues