Yoga for Posture Improvement – Easy Iyengar Yoga Tip with Julie Gudmestad

Article At A Glance

Reversing poor posture is not easy; the earlier you start, the better. Here is an easy Iyengar yoga tip with some help from yoga props from Iyengar yoga teacher and physical therapist Julie Gudmestad. Spend 2-3 min on this simple practice a couple of times a day, and you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes!

In today’s computer-driven culture, more and more people struggle with forward head posture, or text neck, as it is also called. Poor posture often leads to neck and shoulder tension, even headaches or migraines. Over the long run, an increasingly hunched posture will suppress the rib cage and impede breathing.

Easy Yoga Practice to Improve Posture

Reversing poor posture is not easy; the earlier you start, the better. Here is an easy Iyengar yoga tip with some help from yoga props from Iyengar yoga teacher and physical therapist Julie Gudmestad. Spend 2-3 min on this simple practice a couple of times a day, and you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes!

Do you teach yoga to older beginners? Join us for a free 3-part webinar series on how to build your yoga business, featuring a presentation by Julie Gudmestad!

Julie’s Posture Improvement Video

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