Filmmaker Takes on PTSD with Transcendental Meditation

Not only has filmmaker David Lynch (Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive) been practicing Transcendental Meditation for over 30 years, he’s also committed his own time and money to bring TM to at-risk populations through his charity, the David Lynch Foundation.

December marked the second of Lynch’s celebrity-filled fundraising events—this time, it was for the launch of Operation Warrior Wellness, a subset of the charity that aims to teach TM to veterans struggling with PTSD. Stars in attendance included Clint Eastwood, George Lucas and Martin Scorsese, as well as fashion designer Donna Karan, comedian Russell Brand and Dr. Mehmet Oz.

“The soldiers are truly suffering,” said Lynch. “No one knows what they’ve done, what they’ve experienced, what they’ve seen, and their lives are a true nightmare.”

Studies show that about one-third of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have PTSD. Operation Warrior Wellness intends to provide meditative training for ten thousand of them.

“It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing for the human being,” Lynch said. “Sure, it is a stress-buster and when these soldiers get this simple effort they’re going to get their lives back again. It’s not hocus pocus. It’s going to save lives, not only the soldiers’ lives but the families are suffering, the friendships are suffering.”

Eastwood and several other celebrities gave personal testimonials, along with doctors and veterans who have already received meditation training.

“I’m a great supporter of transcendental meditation,” Eastwood said. “I’ve been using it for almost 40 years now…There’s enough studies out there that show that TM is something that could benefit everybody.”

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