Growing Interest in CAM and Yoga Therapy

Weak immune system? High blood pressure? Back pain? Instead of ladling on conventional medications for these and other such issues, Americans are increasingly turning to alternative solutions, including yoga therapy to address common, chronic ailments.  As an increasing body of research on the benefits of natural medicine becomes available, Americans have begun to take their health into their own hands. Alternative care, such as yoga therapy, is on the rise: according to one study, 38% of adults use some form of alternative or complementary health care.

A recent study published by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine revealed that Americans are now spending a yearly $33.9 billion on complimentary and alternative medicine. We spend an estimated $11.9 billion of that amount on chiropractors, massage therapists, and other alternative health practitioners, while the other $22 billion we use for self-care approaches to health, from non-vitamin, herbal supplements to yoga classes.

It’s interesting to note that over a decade ago, Americans spent more than twice as much on alternative practitioners as they did on alternative self-care costs ($15.8 billion to $6.6 billion), and now that figure has been reversed ($11.9 billion to $22 billion). More and more people are seeking do-it-yourself health care options.

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