Yoga’s Locust Pose: 6 Powerful Variations
Article At A Glance
Over the years, the muscles in the front of the body can begin to shorten from spending most of our days slumping over a desk, hunching over a steering wheel, or slouching on a couch. But the good news is Locust Pose (Salabhasana) and its many variations offer us the opportunity to counter the effects of poor posture. Learn to strengthen the back body, improve posture, and build core strength through these accessible Locust Pose variations.
Where do you typically look when you practice Locust Pose in yoga? Because our eyes are on the front of our heads, most things we do tend to take place in front of us. Over the years, the muscles in our front body can start to shorten as the muscles in the back body are neglected. This can cause an imbalance that can lead to a forward head position, slumped shoulders, and, in extreme cases that usually also involve osteoporosis, vertebral compression fractures. The more focus we have on keeping our natural curves of the spine and on maintaining a balance between front and back body strength, the fewer complications that can arise as we age.
Locust Pose (Salabhasana) is such a great pose for maintaining or building strength in the back body, and because there are so many variations, it can meet you where you are. Not only is it a good strengthening pose for the back body, but the legs and shoulders also work here. And because core strength requires strengthening from all directions (not just abdominal work), Locust Pose yoga variations strengthens the core from the back. This includes muscles such as the erector spinae, running along the sides of the spine, and the quadratus lumborum (QL), connecting the bottom of the posterior ribcage to the top ridge of the pelvis. In the same way, your rectus abdominus in the front body pulls the bottom ridge of your ribcage toward your pubic bone, as in a crunch, the quadratus lumborum pulls the back bottom ribcage and pelvic rim together, like a reverse crunch.
How to Practice Locust Pose Yoga Variations
1. Upper Body Only in Locust Pose
This is my favorite one. Locust Pose puts you face down, which can get a little claustrophobic, but this version of it tilts you up and lets you examine the horizon instead while still working your back and arms. This version is good if you have a less flexible backbend or have pain lifting your upper body, whether this is due to weakness or injury. And taking some of the weight out of the pose allows you to work your muscles more gently as you open your chest more fully.
Because the bolster sits squarely in the space between your bottom ribcage and the tops of the hip bones, this one is not recommended during pregnancy or for anyone experiencing abdominal pain or discomfort.
In this variation, keep your legs on the floor but engage your leg muscles so your legs can stabilize you. As you lift your arms behind you and curve your spine evenly to lift, keep your shoulders soft.
2. Legs Only Locust Pose
This version allows you to give full attention to lifting your legs and strengthening the buttocks and the lower torso. Your head, torso, and arms remain on the floor throughout. Turning your palms toward the floor will give you a little more stability.
- Begin the pose by finding length in your body, especially in the legs, then ground your pelvis by squeezing your buttocks to press the pubic bone down.
- Then see if you can lift your thighs off of the floor, aiming for this goal only—no need to accomplish it when you’re just getting started.
This version can be challenging, especially if you are experiencing pain in your lower back. If this is the case, check out the next variation.
3. One Leg Only in Locust Pose
This version is a more gentle approach to the Legs Only variation. It brings back the upper bodywork but lets the entire back support the lift of only one leg. Your arms remain on the floor, with palms down, and one leg also remains down. But in this version, you lift your head and chest, providing more even strengthening of the whole back body. As you practice, keep your pelvis even, pressing both front hip points into the floor, and keep your buttocks engaged, squeezing in to press the pubic bone into the floor. Keep your lower back elongated, recruiting the muscles higher up in your back body to lift your chest.
Another version of this pose, which I find simultaneously more supportive and more challenging, is with a rolled blanket under the mid-thighs. In this version, your legs are already supported in the first lift off the ground, but the work is to lift them off the blanket. This can be done one leg at a time or both together.
4. Arms to the Sides in Locust Pose
With your arms straight out to the sides, like an airplane, there is more weight in your upper body, making this more challenging for the back body. Generally, it’s a good idea to start out in the classic version of the pose, then move the arms to the sides.
If you have the strength to extend your arms to the sides but have a shoulder injury that makes lifting the arms off the floor in that position difficult, you can try a version that uses two blocks to support your pubic bone and lower ribcage. If you’re shorter, the blocks can be right next to each other, but just be sure that the bottom block supports your pubic bone (not your thighs), and the upper block supports just the very bottom of your lower ribcage. I use a blanket on top of the blocks for padding. Once both are supported, the lift will feel easy.
The last version of Arms to the Sides is a therapeutic option, with more of a focus on your upper body. Lift the bolster and place it on three blocks that are evenly spaced beneath it. This will provide plenty of space for your arms to move; lifting away from the soft bolster is gentle, and your face is distanced from the floor. Same as in the other poses, find the grounding in your pelvis, lengthen, and then lift. You can tuck toes under, letting legs support you, or you could also point your toes and lift your thighs.)
5. Arms Forward in Locust Pose
If arms to the sides feel manageable, you can continue moving your arms forward, extending them overhead, like you’re Superman flying through the air. Keep in mind that this adds more weight to the pose than you might expect. Don’t push it if you’re just starting to build strength here or if you’re nurturing an injury.
6. Standing Version
In this version, you can strengthen your arms and also work your back body without gravity weighing you down.
- Starting in Mountain Pose (Tadasana), take a strap behind your body and hold it between your hands. Your grip on the strap can alternate to work different parts of the arm, but to mimic the classic Locust Pose yoga shape, turn your palms backward before gripping the strap.
- Pull out on the strap, lengthen your arms, and open your chest by spreading your collar bones and lifting your breastbone. Notice the muscles in your back body working to help with this action.
- Then lift the strap behind you, engaging the backs of your armpits.
How to Practice Healthy Alignment in Locust Pose Yoga Variations
- I recommend having some padding under your front body—a folded blanket perhaps—to pad your pubic bone, front hip bones, and lower ribcage.
- Lie down and get comfortable, seeing if you can rest with your forehead either on the floor or on a small lift (maybe a folded washcloth)—arms long at your sides, reaching back toward the feet. Let your whole back body relax and melt down toward the floor.
- Tuck your toes under behind you, and as you press your heels back past your toes, your knees will lift from the floor. Press your leg muscles in toward the bone, then squeeze your buttocks in toward each other. This will help you to press your pubic bone into the floor, lengthening your lower back.
- Imagine that there’s an electric current traveling from your tailbone out through the top of your head. Let it fuse your spine in that long shape so that when you lift your chest from the floor, it’s coming up as one unit, not peeling off one vertebra at a time. You can use the strength of your legs and your toes pressing into the floor to help with this lift.
- Lengthen your arms back and let them lift away from the floor, pressing your palms up toward the ceiling as you engage the backs of your armpits.
- Press your breastbone forward, between your arms, and then, with this long, strong body, start to curl up toward the sky, but let all parts of your body, from the base of the skull all the way to the back of the heel, bend equally.
- Finally, point your toes as you lift your thighs away from the floor.
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Bridget Frederick, eRYT 500, is a graduate of The Berkeley Yoga Room Advanced Studies Program. With a strong focus on anatomy, balance, and core strength, her classes aim to make yoga accessible to anyone who is interested in finding the relief, strength, or stillness that yoga can offer. Inspiration for her teaching comes from current and former teachers Donald Moyer, Mary Lou Weprin, Julie Gudmestad, Gay White, Ada Lusardi, Sandy Blaine, and Herta Weinstein.
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